Monday, October 10, 2011

Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Most Sincere Scenery

There is a moment in your life,

Where the sun shines the brightest,

The wind passes the most gracious

The birds chirp most beautifully that made you dance, dance, dance

Everylittle bit of the sand of the beach

As smooth as velvet you step on

Every word articulated

Linked as the most beautiful poem you have ever been a fan of

Poem you never heard you forgot about Shakespeare’s.

Looking through eyes, the most sincere scenery

Your heart thumps to the rhythm of togetherness

You feel the affection in every vein

That made you feel like you’re the most beautiful spirit alive.

Everything is too beautiful you forgot how it started,

But you just don’t care

You want to live 1000 more years.